“Tiny Christmas Angel: A Story of Hope” by Stephenie Poeschel


What is Tiny Christmas Angel about? Tiny Christmas Angel is a special story told from the mind of a little boy who is missing his baby brother at Christmastime. He asks his mother about Christmas in Heaven and about his brother. Is he happy? What is he doing? Does he have a tree?

I took a poem that I had written and turned it into a beautiful book.

What was your inspiration for Tiny Christmas Angel? In 2002, my firstborn son, Colin, passed away at 2 weeks of age. It was devastating. In the years after, I had 4 additional children, each of whom has had many questions for me over the years about their tiny brother. I wanted a heartwarming book for young children like mine that would help them feel comfort and hope instead of sadness and fear.

Who illustrated the book for you? Tiny Christmas Angel was illustrated by a young woman named Alina Tahir Zaidi. I hired her on Upwork, which is a site that connects writers to illustrators, designers, and more. I sent her my inspiration and thoughts, and she worked with me

to create the beautiful, bright, happy illustrations in the book.

Did you include any “extras” in the book? At the back of the book, there is a section just for parents to read. It includes information on how children grieve as well as how they can help them process the loss of their sibling. I also included special ways for parents to help their children to preserve the precious memory of their brother or sister.

Book Title: Tiny Christmas Angel
Author Name: Stephenie Poeschel
Pub Date: November 21, 2023
Book Category/Genre: Children’s Fiction
Page Count: 32
Publisher: Ivory Pages Publishing (self-published)

Author Bio: Stephenie Poeschel is a wife and mother of 4 from a small town in Wisconsin. She has a passion for teaching and loves to read, so she combined the two and created several books for young children. She loves telling stories that are not only inspiring but also fun. She wants to help foster a lifetime love of reading to children everywhere. She believes that a child’s imagination can take them far beyond the constraints of the world they live in, and although they may not be able to physically travel around the world, they can certainly go there in a book! Stephenie has released 7 books in her Tilly’s Adventure Series as well as 11 coloring books and Tiny Christmas Angel, a story of hope for children missing a sibling at Christmastime. She also loves to speak publicly about her books and her writing.

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