Never Take A Pirate’s Pearls by Ann P. Borrmann (Book Review #1731)


“Never Take a Pirate’s Pearls” by Ann P. Borrmann is a delightful and imaginative children’s book that takes young readers on an adventurous journey with Chester the Pirate and his first mate, Roger the Octopus. The story is a captivating blend of excitement, humor, and valuable lessons, making it a perfect read for children who love adventure and fantasy.

Borrmann’s storytelling is engaging and dynamic, bringing the characters to life with vivid descriptions and exciting scenarios. The journey to find the missing pearls from Lazy Lagoon is filled with thrilling encounters, including jellyfish, mugwumps, and a giant sea squid. These elements not only add to the fun and suspense of the story but also introduce young readers to various sea creatures and the concept of oceanic adventures.

The illustrations by Tracee Guzman are a standout feature of the book. They are colorful, lively, and beautifully capture the essence of the story. The illustrations complement the narrative perfectly, making the reading experience more immersive and enjoyable for children.

One of the strengths of “Never Take a Pirate’s Pearls” is its ability to weave important lessons into the narrative seamlessly. The story teaches children about friendship, teamwork, and not judging others based on appearances. The twist in the plot, where the pearls’ disappearance is revealed to be a misunderstanding, highlights the importance of communication and empathy.

The character of Otter, who becomes a new shipmate, adds an educational aspect to the story with his love for numbers. This subtly introduces young readers to basic math concepts in a fun and engaging way.

Overall, “Never Take a Pirate’s Pearls” is a charming and entertaining book that will capture the hearts and imaginations of young readers. It is an excellent choice for parents and educators looking for a story that combines adventure, education, and moral lessons. Ann P. Borrmann’s creative storytelling and Tracee Guzman’s captivating illustrations make this book a valuable addition to any child’s book collection.

Written by Jeyran Main

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