Beyond: A Tale of Discovery on the Other Side of Life by Ruth C Mitchell (Book Review #1730)


“Beyond: A Tale of Discovery on the Other Side of Life” by Ruth C Mitchell is an imaginative and captivating read that takes you on a whirlwind journey through a world where the veil between the living and the dead is not just thin—it’s permeable, thanks to the wonders of modern technology and the unique abilities of a very special dog. The novel follows Laura Haskell, a fantasy writer struggling with sobriety, and her white German Shepherd, Cloud, who has the remarkable ability to see ghosts. Their life in a haunted San Francisco hotel takes a dramatic turn with the entrance of Sean Wilson, an innovator using Artificial Intelligence to visualize ghosts.

Mitchell’s novel is a unique blend of genres, seamlessly merging elements of fantasy, romance, and techno-thriller. It explores the perennial mystery of the afterlife and ghosts through a fresh, modern lens, challenging readers to reconsider their beliefs about the supernatural. The incorporation of AI as a tool to bridge the gap between the living and the dead is both creative and thought-provoking, offering a glimpse into a future where technology unlocks the secrets of the unseen world.

The characters in “Beyond” are deeply developed and compelling. Laura’s journey from a struggling writer to a sober, fulfilled individual is heartening and serves as the emotional core of the story. The romance that blossoms between her and Sean adds a tender dimension to the narrative, while Cloud, the seeing dog, is a delightful and innovative character that readers will adore. The ghost of Laura’s grandmother, a former Madam with a colorful past, adds depth and historical intrigue to the story, enriching the narrative tapestry.

“Beyond” is more than just a ghost story; it’s an exploration of recovery, discovery, and the unbreakable bonds that connect us, transcending even death. Mitchell’s writing is skillful and engaging, pulling readers along for an exhilarating ride that is as intellectually stimulating as it is entertaining. The novel’s pace is brisk, with twists and turns that keep you guessing until the very end.

For those who love a story that combines the speculative with the heartfelt, along with a dash of romance and a sprinkle of technological marvel, “Beyond: A Tale of Discovery on the Other Side of Life” is a must-read. It’s a novel that not only entertains but also expands the mind, inviting readers to imagine the possibilities that lie just beyond the edge of our current understanding.

Written by Jeyran Main

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