Weapons Of The Mind by Owen B Greenwald and Paul Kivelson (Book Review #1684)


“Weapons Of The Mind” by Owen B Greenwald and Paul Kivelson is a riveting space opera that thrusts readers into a galaxy governed by rules, duty, and the enigmatic Tenets. Tala, an Enhancer, has spent two decades adhering to these rules, but her life takes a drastic turn when a mission goes awry. Branded a Renegade and facing judgment, Tala must grapple with the dilemma of fleeing, a direct violation of the Tenets, or facing a harsh fate.

The narrative unfolds with relentless pacing, immersing readers in a world where Tala becomes the hunted, pursued by the formidable forces of the Galactic Coalition and her own mentor, Exemplar Scratch. The tension escalates as Tala embarks on a quest for evidence to prove her innocence, leading her to the heart of the galaxy. The authors skillfully weave a tale of intrigue, revenge, and self-discovery, as Tala grapples with the conflicting forces of honor and the desire for vengeance.

Set against a backdrop of strange aliens and hostile humans, the galaxy depicted in the story is teeming with danger. The narrative explores the complexities of friendships forged and tested in the crucible of adversity. As Tala navigates the treacherous paths of the galaxy, the story unravels layers of lies that have kept the delicate balance intact, hinting at an impending reckoning.

The character development in “Weapons Of The Mind” is noteworthy, with Tala emerging as a multifaceted protagonist torn between loyalty to the Tenets and the pursuit of justice. The authors skillfully navigate the moral ambiguities of Tala’s choices, allowing readers to empathize with her struggles and internal conflicts. The supporting cast adds depth to the narrative, contributing to the richness of the story.

Greenwald and Kivelson have crafted a space opera that combines elements of suspense, action, and philosophical reflection. The galactic setting provides a canvas for exploring themes of morality, duty, and the consequences of deviating from established norms. “Weapons Of The Mind” is a compelling read that keeps readers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the unraveling of the galaxy’s secrets and the fate of its inhabitants.

Written by Jeyran Main

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