Lelya Dorche and the Coney Island Cure by David Rothman (Book Review #1704)


“Leyla Dorche and the Coney Island Cure” by David Rothman is a gripping drama that delves into the heart of a father’s desperation and the chaos of the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City. The novel follows Andrew Gruber, the assistant director of the Wahi Funeral Home, who is thrust into a race against time when his asthmatic teenage son is diagnosed with COVID-19.

Rothman’s portrayal of New York City during the pandemic is both raw and authentic, capturing the fear, uncertainty, and pandemonium that gripped the city. The narrative is fast-paced and filled with unexpected twists, making it a real page-turner. The journey Andrew undertakes, from the streets of New York to the mountains of Bulgaria in search of a cure, is both harrowing and deeply human.

One of the novel’s greatest strengths is its well-developed characters. Andrew’s character is particularly well-crafted, displaying a compelling blend of determination, fear, and vulnerability. His relationship with his son, Misha, is heartwarming and provides much-needed lightness amidst the novel’s darker themes. The humorous moments between the father and son are a testament to Rothman’s skill in balancing the serious nature of the pandemic with moments of levity and hope.

The character of Leyla Dorche, the Bulgarian healer, adds an intriguing element of mysticism and cultural depth to the story. Her unconventional methods and the journey to obtain the rare Macedonian pine sap introduce an element of suspense and adventure to the narrative.

Rothman’s writing style is engaging and immersive, drawing readers into the story with vivid descriptions and emotional depth. The novel does an excellent job of exploring themes of desperation, hope, and the lengths a parent will go to save their child.

In conclusion, “Leyla Dorche and the Coney Island Cure” is a compelling and emotionally resonant novel that offers a unique perspective on the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a testament to the power of love, resilience, and the human spirit in the face of adversity. Highly recommended for readers who appreciate drama, adventure, and stories that capture the essence of a historical moment.

Written by Jeyran Main

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