Interview with Louis Efron

  • What’s your favorite thing you have written?

My poetry collection, The Unempty Spaces Between

  • What’s your favorite thing that someone else has written?

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

  • What are you working on writing now?

Individual poems for publication, ultimately leading to another published collection.

  • Do you have a favorite food or drink that helps you write?

I always have water by my side, but food and drink do not play a part in my writing process. However, I do love homemade semi-sweet chocolate chip cookies on breaks now and then.

  • What’s your favorite kind of music?

Music is a big part of my life. However, I can’t say I have a favorite type, as I listen to nearly everything based on my mood at any point in time. I could easily go from soft jazz to classic punk and current pop on the same day.

  • Forest, country, beach, or city?

If I had to choose one, there is nothing like a great city for walking, exploring, people-watching, and experiencing life. However, I also love the beach and find immense beauty in the countryside and forest.

  • What movie can you watch over and over again?

Midnight in Paris is my all-time favorite movie; I watch it at least a few times a year.

  • What would you like people to know about being an Indie author?

Being an indie author requires dedication, perseverance, a positive mindset, and an eagerness to grow as an artist by seeking and leveraging the feedback of those you most respect.

  • When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A writer. I have always found beauty and power in the written word.

  • What does the writing process look like for you?

It is very organic and fluid. I either see or hear something that inspires me or get an idea that I begin building into a story or scenario. I frequently jot notes on paper, my phone, or my computer to capture ideas for available writing time, mainly in the late evenings when my creative mind comes alive and life is quiet.

  • Do you have a blog and what content do you post?

All my published work also appears on my website at This includes articles, poems, and books, including The Unempty Spaces Between.

  • Where do you get inspiration?

Everywhere. My poems have been inspired by a speck of dust floating across a movie projector beam, a tear rolling down the cheek of a stranger passing me on a sidewalk, the dancing flame of a candle, and sap pushing from under the bark of a tree.

  • What about writing do you enjoy the most?

The ability to touch, move, and educate others through words.

  • What is the most challenging part of writing for you?

Getting a first draft that I am happy with to start rewriting.

  • How have you grown as a writer?

I have grown as a writer by writing every day, seeking criticism and feedback from those around me whom I respect, reading the works of other writers, and always striving to create work that is better than my last.

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2 Comments on “Interview with Louis Efron

  1. Pingback: The Unempty Spaces Between by Louis Efron (July-Aug. 2023) |

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