Soledad in the desert by Meredith Sue Willis (Book review #808)


Soledad in the desert is a colonized science fiction story told by a child Soledad. The tale is about a group of people who have reinvented a culture in an alien world, and it’s told through the eye of their children.

Many of Soledad’s ancestors have died on the very starship, and many who have joined the new world have somehow become corrupted. This added more dynamics and layers to the story. Due to the nature of the tale being mostly told by children, there were times when the dialogue found its way lost into the child’s world.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

When the corruption got worse, they get to flee again, and this time move to the desert—That’s when things got even more exciting.

The added fantasy to the nature of the content relished the work and polished the story off.

The literature was unique, and the tale was beautifully told. I particularly enjoyed the fact that the children didn’t change, but the situation did get harder. Food, water, and maintaining a lifestyle that was livable mattered.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes to read science fiction stories.

Written by Jeyran Main

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